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High numbers of tourists in Japan to 5.7 million the first half

samedi 23 août 2014

Japan recorded that seem to restore the confidence of tourists after the Fukushima disaster set a new record of foreign visitors last July, according to official statistics.
He has visited Japan last month's 1.27 million visitors for the purposes of business or tourism, thus bringing the number increased by 26.6% compared with the total number registered a year ago and has 7.53 million visitors since January, registering an increase of 26.4%.
This is attributed, according to the National Organization for Tourism in Japan to increase international flights from Tokyo's Haneda airport closest to the Japanese capital in addition to increasing aircraft chartered flights from Asia.
And brought the largest percentage of tourists from China has doubled the number of Chinese who visited Japan in within one month up to 281 thousand 200 tourists in July in evidence that tensions between the two countries because of the sovereignty of islands in the East China Sea no longer affect on tourism, as was the case at the height of this crisis (from September 2012 to 2013).
Taiwanese and occupied the second place share of 279.3 thousand tourists, an increase of 17.1% ahead of the South Koreans 250.6 thousand, up 2.7%, then the Americans 82.9 thousand, up 10%.
And contributed to the depreciation of the Japanese yen against the dollar and the euro in attracting more tourists, Americans and Europeans to the archipelago.
In 2013, Japan also received a record number of tourists exceeded 10 million.
The country hopes to overcome this threshold in 2010, but its ambitions collided with the financial crisis the world has seen between 2008 and 2009 and then by the tsunami and the nuclear accident at Fukushima in the March 11, 2011.
Japan currently aims to attract 20 million tourists a year, starting from 2020, which will host the Tokyo Olympics.

Argument task

"Travel makes a person humble .. You can see how small the place they occupy in the world" ... Gustav Flaubert.

Things you should know when dealing with a flight attendant plane

We know that their first job is to satisfy you, you are one of the customers, who are employees. But what if it would have dealt with them gently and respect the other hand, is trying to provide all the services available to you .. waiting for the flight attendants to do so .. know how to deal with them.

1. salute respectfully submit
  When flight attendants greets you when boarding a plane, and you Icoln hello, this does not mean that what you need is just ignored, the matter is not the simplest of which is that it contained words of greeting, "Good morning" or "good evening" will not cost you a thing. Let alone to play host to greet more than 20 people in a row and be greeted by silence? Well, this is what usually happens.
2 Take off the headphones when talking to you
You have to take off the headphones away when the host asks you what you want to approach, do not leave it to repeat it three times. How would you feel if you talked someone wearing headphones and do not answer you.
3 You need to be checked upon request
  You have to actually be specific on what you want before you call the host, do not leave it waiting for you to answer when you ask for coffee or tea, or milk and sweetener determine, Be direct, "I would like coffee with milk please" or "I only coffee." That does not make it easier to request only, but eventually lead to service everyone on the plane more quickly.
4. deal of respect format
  He used to say to them, please and thank you and so when you ask for something and when you receive. Last time these things that may be of common courtesy you will add additional treated well.
5. donate Bcilatk
  Donate copies of your magazines and I read for the crew. After you finish reading what was done, for example, books or magazines entertaining then giving it to a flight attendant benefit by someone else, and the flight attendants like to read magazines when they are out of service or during breaks.
6. offering candy
  If you are carrying some of the chocolate or candy other why not progressing either singly to the Ikmn serve you, this is a very kindness and will make you a person who is polite and friendly and actually, but must be the chocolate of known species and written by the expiry date clearly so as not to expose yourself accountable later.
7 pens
  People always Asilon flight attendants for pens, whether to complete the procedures or just to do the crossword puzzle solving. What inhibitor that you bring a small number of additional cheap pens, and submitted to your crew. May not be fun like a box of chocolates, but it certainly will make it easier for them a few important thing

Dubai's artificial islands retain the first places in the list of "the most impressive in the world."

vendredi 22 août 2014

Acquires projects islands which was built by the Dubai offshore "Palm Jumeirah" and "World Islands", and continue the construction of a number of other ones, most notably the islands of Deira and expansions Island Burj Al Arab and Blue Waters admiration of the world and monitor International Sites specializes in knowledge of trends of the tourism industry growing admiration of tourists from different countries the world to visit these luxury projects.

Continued 3 artificial islands in Dubai are: "Palm Jumeirah" and "World Islands" and "Burj Al Arab" retaining the first places over the past years and possibly the next in the list of 10 artificial islands more attractive and fascinating in the world, prepared by site "and Weatherford. Com "site in addition to the World Travel" Travel Plus "who chose the" Palm "in Dubai at the forefront of the Seven Wonders of the artificial islands.
Came the island "Palm Jumeirah" in the first place have been chosen this island on the basis of shape, as is the "Palm Jumeirah" Dora the crown projects "palm" of the development after becoming the artificial island of the archipelago, which includes the finest international hotel, the most luxurious and a haven for the establishment of a lot of characters prominent in the world.
The island boasts of 16 waterfront beaches Ttrz more luxurious villas, surrounded by surf and waves on the normally crescent-shaped with a length of 6.8 miles.
While composed "gritty world" from a group of archipelagos are designed to form the world map and located four kilometers from the beach and can be accessed on a hovercraft or boats, including the island of Lebanon, which includes a club hosts special events and concerts organized by corporate dignitaries.
While maintaining the "Island of the Burj Al Arab" on its leadership as Hotel occupies the island list of hotels best in the world, and no less than awarded this title only singled out as the hotel occupies the entire island, not just a luxury hotel from the beach only 900 feet.
Took 3 years to build the hotel even sits on the throne of his glory, up a thousand feet, and reap the hotel until the moment countless awards.

Study: France tops the list of countries received more tourists in 2013 to 84.7 million tourists

France topped the list of countries received more visitors in the world in 2013 with 84.7 million foreign tourists in a rise of 2% compared with 2012, the annual study showed

And occupied by the United States and Spain ranked second and third, respectively, with 69.8 and 60.7 million foreign tourists, according to the results of this study conducted by the public administration in charge of competitiveness issues in the Ministry of Economy and the Bank of France. 
France and attracted tourists, especially Europeans (+1.2%) from the Germans, who number 13 million visitors (up 6.5%), followed by British tourists is that the descendants of Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy and Spain were less number compared with the results of 2012. 
North America represents the most prominent source of tourists to France from outside Europe, this site has been enhanced with a rise of 5.8% of the number of arrivals of North Americans after a decline of 7.8% in 2012. 
Also recorded an increase of Asian tourists to France, who numbered 4.5 million, up nearly 13% compared with 2012. 
This increase is especially due to the greater flow of Chinese tourists (1.7 million, up 23.4% from 2012), the study has pointed to the large gravity carried by France for Chinese tourists who have doubled in number between 2009 and 2013. 
In contrast, the proportion of Japanese tourists recorded a decline B6,7%, especially given the decline in the exchange rate of the Japanese yen against the euro. 
The study also pointed out that the foreign tourists who visited France in 2013 had increased the rate of days they spent in this country to 7.1 nights versus 6.9 in 2012 (an increase of 2.5%). 
However, the number of nights spent by tourists in the tourist facilities paid record increase slower than the average number of nights spent by tourists aesthetic in France (3.2% vs. 4.6%), and the percentage of nights the price paid 67.1% of the total nights spent by tourists in 2013, compared with 68% in 2012 and 69.6 percent in 2007. 
The study attributes this difference primarily to the economic crisis, and to seek the era of expenditure across accommodation with members of the family or with friends or sharing apartments.

Tips to ensure the safety of your children on safari

Do you like adventure and love of wildlife? So you're going to do safari new but may be accompanied by children, which may cause anxiety in some cases .. but those tips collected by the "Encyclopedia of Traveler" may remove the tension a little bit and make you accept on this trip without any worries hinder the enjoyment true this holiday wonderful .

Start your trip gradually 
When you are in Namibia, for example, moved from small gardens to larger Valokpr until you reach the park Etosha National and this does not apply to the area, but also on the degree of excitement and brutality enjoyed by animals in each garden, while the animals in Windhoek, the capital, could be smaller Mantkm Banamibia in the first, the children at the same time they be more enthusiastic to discover what is the largest.

Managing expectations 
Talk with your children about patience, and reminded them that they may have to wait to see the big game between the animals and of course understanding will hope that, you have to make it with them like a game, and I work to teach them fun research, and the fact that is willing to help them pass the time when there is what they will see. Many lodges offer books (either at the reception desk or in the gift shop) and that will help your kids identify animals that are unfamiliar and must stay away from them.
Helping them to create their own memories 
If you can give your children their own camera or allow them to possess video recorder for memories that are sure to bring a smile to them at a later date, and will also help them to retain their memories and discussed with those around them. And work on the existence of paper and pencils with them to work on drawing and coloring any animal does not move much.
Let them sleep 
In safari tends Argonauts, including children, to get a break, either in the morning or evening, and for children who hate tours long car, or who tend to sleep once, allow them to do not mind that Anamu even short periods of time between now and then, and allow them too comfortable when things are going slowly.
Be careful on them in the wild 
Tour operators can lead you to believe that all things are completely safe, but that is not the case all the time, so remember that young children can look like prey to wild animals, and then Vaaml to close all the doors and windows of cars tightly and be very careful of your children as it can be them to open their doors in order to enjoy more of which can be dangerous for them.
Due Care 
You have to double check the age limits before you travel to your destination, not all forums allow children to enter the small, usually raises the anxiety and the noise level some of the animals, and the safety factor for the young may also represent an obstacle. Some safari reduce the minimum age if you are in a private jeep only for your family, carefully thought long and hard about your child's personality before booking a trip, Vnobh anger in the wild can have dire consequences.

Guide travelers to China for the first time

vendredi 15 août 2014

Despite the fact that China is a tourist country diverse and beautiful, still travel destination with the charm worrying, especially if this is your first visit, if you're someone who intend to travel there for the first time in your life, this guide to land the most populous on the planet. 

1. break the language barrier 
The first obstacle, and perhaps only, and that must be bypassed when you travel to all parts of China is the language barrier, it is a barrier that can hinder you continue your trip naturally, so it is advisable to try to learn some words and phrases before you visit this new country, especially that this is you will facilitate the process move a lot and then the rest of the daily dealings ending with a visit various tourist attractions. 
If you can not learn the Chinese language there is one thing you should always do when you travel to all parts of China is to carry with you a paper written in Chinese from your hotel with your commute and places that you want to visit so you can show it to passers-by, taxi drivers, bus conductors and the like. 
2. focus on one area of the visit 
China is a country and widespread, it's a great incredibly until they contain some of the highest mountains in the world, and some of the largest world's deserts also, as well as remote forests, grasslands endless and, of course, many of the largest cities in the world may you need months and months of travel, so instead of distributing the time of the first trip on the entire country, which would be tired you, you have to choose one area or even only one county and explored properly. 

3 Check the Weather 
At any time of the year, there are places in China enjoys ideal weather for travel, but not anywhere nearly perfect weather year-round. To ensure enjoy the first trip you to China away from Mufajaet, you need good planning to travel and reading good about it, generally spring and autumn are the seasons most comfortable, though not in all the provinces, and in many parts of China Spring and autumn are nothing more than just a few weeks . 
4. the use of public transport 
You get rid of the independence of taxis and planes and headed to the bus, bicycles and trains to China to see whatever he sees locals. The taxis are certainly easier, but where the fun in that? Public transportation systems in China is already large and not worry about the confusion and lack of knowledge in the beginning, people are Chinese in general are very friendly and helpful and honest, especially for foreigners who can not speak Chinese, so they be always with you to guide you to the right path if you lose your way. 

5. eat local 
China has many great features, but we can say that the best of them is their food, where the cuisine varies greatly from one region to another, and we recommend eating cuisine popular in local restaurants to further enjoy and enrich the experience, try to learn before you travel how to use chopsticks so as not to be a source of concern for you.

How do you choose the right hotel for you?

Your choice of place of residence in the holiday can increase your pleasure or disturbs the entire trip. So why choose a hotel far from the sights I have come mainly for her, and why you eat in the hotel and you have to Alkhbar coexistence locals in public catering .. But how do you choose the right hotel for you? Follow these tips to get to the answer. 

1 Compare prices 
Better for you to shop for the best accommodation prices in several different locations Bugetk new. Do not forget to contact the hotels directly, because this may provide you with better rates when booking direct. You'll also speak with hotel services for the anticipated reductions and subscription services, e-mails and the hotel, which in turn will alert you to the best deals first. 
2. hotel facilities 
You have to decide what are the facilities and utilities, which will need the hotel, for example, do you really need to use the gym every day? The matter is important to book your hotel with the facilities and services that will be used in earnest in fact only, so do not pay a lot of money for things that do not need it. 
3 meals 
Order on the cost of meals and whether local meals cheaper than meals hotel regard to the extent of your studies to your destination correctly, for example, meals in Asia can be purchased cheaply incredible so it's messing pay $ 15 for a breakfast hotel, but some places may be more expensive hotel and meals can be a good choice. 
4. site hotel 
  Check the local transport and whether they are close to the hotel where you are staying or not. Experts says that the rooms in the center of major cities, which may be smaller with fewer facilities, but closer to the gools much better than a large room facilities many but far from all the attractions that have come to her. 
5. friendly family 
Search hotels in the most appropriate for your family. If you're traveling with your family you will not be needing him to a hotel nightclub works until late at night. 
6. Research 
Check the hotel deals on the Internet, and travel forums and ask all members of the family and consulting colleagues for feedback about the destination and hotels. 
Just ask 7 
Try to ask for the days of free accommodation or a free meal, especially if you are a regular visitor or you're celebrating a special occasion.

9 things you should know before traveling to Malaysia

Malaysia is one of the coolest and most beautiful countries in Southeast Asia, and has therefore gained great prestige in the hearts of tourists the world who have visited or heard of them, so they are at the forefront of the favorite destinations for travelers region, no wonder that it is a melting pot of different cultures embodied in one sense a "hello everyone," If you who are planning to travel to Malaysia, here are nine things you should know before Antlaqk. 

1. food 
Often mentioned food in Malaysia as one of the key features of this country, whether you will take up your food from hawker stalls on the side of the road or in fancy restaurants. The capital "Penang" of the best places to savor Malaysian food, as well as the famous dishes from all over the world such as India, China and Thailand. 

2. Weather 
Malaysia has a tropical climate, which is characterized by high humidity and high temperatures throughout the year. Can be average temperatures during the day and 32 ° C down to 20 ° C at night. With these temperatures must take into account the use of loose-fitting clothing made ​​of lightweight materials to enjoy all over the country, so you can avoid the discomfort caused by high temperatures in some cases. 
3 transportation 
There are a number of ways to get to Malaysia, depending on the destination and the next ones, by sea to Malaysia can be of Brunei, the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia. As for travel to Malaysia by road, it will be by bus, taxi, or private transportation, and can also be done from Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, and Thailand. Travel by air is the way most convenient if you are coming from other points in Asia, Australia, Europe and the United States of America, and the rest of the world through direct flights or indirect Many airlines offer their services to Malaysia. 

4. Safety 
Malaysia is a safe country, but like anywhere in the world, so it is wise to be a little careful, and perhaps the safety precautions are simple but you will be safe first and foremost; stay away from trouble spots, and not to wear jewelry excessive, being careful when crossing roads, keep the valuables such as cash, traveler's checks, passports and airline tickets in the safety box of your hotel. 

5. Tipping 
Tipping is not standard practice in Malaysia, especially in rural areas, so you do not abide by them, but there are a lot of restaurants that impose often a service fee by 10%. 
Tipping is based in Malaysia is generally on the quality of the service provided, could be submitted to the tipping porters depending on the weight and size of bags. 
6 credit cards: 
Credit cards are accepted widely in stores, and major hotels and shops. Make sure that you have enough cash in the local currency before you leave for the small cities or remote areas. 
7 drinking water: 
Tap water (boiled) fit for drinking, but not recommended, to avoid stomach upset, we recommend not to take any drinks with ice cubes during hot weather. With regard to mineral water bottled enable found in supermarkets, cafes, local prices are relatively cheap. 
8 Shopping 
Local handicrafts such as gold and silver woven "songket" wood carvings and pottery, among the many souvenirs priceless in this beautiful country. 
You should not hesitate for a bargain, especially in small shops. Average discount can be expected to range between 10 to 30 percent. Most shops are open 10:00 to 9:00 pm daily. 
9 customs and traditions 
- Malisea has own habits, and visitors should follow these practices and not to go out for, for a smooth and enjoyable stay in Malaysia. 
- Although the handshake is usually acceptable for both men and women, some Muslim women adhere to the sacred not to reach out and be greeted by just nodding and smiling. The man there outstrips both hands, lightly touches the hand of his friend Almamdoh, then brings his hands to his chest mean, "I greet you with all my heart." The visitor should reciprocate the "peace." 
- Is the use of the right hand always when you eat. 
- You should always remove shoes when entering the house Malaysian. 
-. Some mosques provide robes and scarves for female visitors. Capture images in places of worship is usually permitted but always ask for permission in advance. 
- Drinks are served to guests in general, it is inappropriate for non-acceptance.

Nine Tips to become a modern-day explore

1. must keep in mind that you can make a difference in this world and do what it did not occur to the minds of one and says his people that fanciful, crazy, impossible and stupid to some extent it may be realistic .. If I saw all the people providing the charges on your plans and your discoveries Know you are on the right track. 
2. you need to see, and the idea is different from most other people's ideas, there are few people come to the idea of ​​a private life, and you can create your own ideas and visions through intensive research, and through comprehensive reading and talking to people. 
3 You also need a special ability to explain and clarify your vision to others, the provision of project for entrepreneurs, and media and others is very important. 

  4 It is not necessary to be an idealist, Be as you are, and then threw all self-help books away, it is best to serve you in person and not a copy of anything else, most of the explorers are more or less crazy, but they were not boring at all. 
5. must have the body of a professional athlete like any athlete, you play sports in at least 15 hours a week during one year at least before carrying out exploration on your own. 
  6 You have to put everything aside and follow the dictates of your heart and you'll see only, and if you are married, you need to partner with understanding and put all differences aside and applies thing if you have children. 
  7 does not enjoy the negative views of the people who you meet just pretend you are a good listener to them, and you have to interact only with people with a positive vision, it is known that this is going to be difficult to some extent for you. 
8. Preparation, preparation and readiness. 
9 Finally, out into the world and do what you want. 
About Michael Strand: Michael Born in 1962 in Sweden, and began his career as an explorer 25 years ago .. have included trips; Norway to South Africa by bicycle, across Asia and New Zealand to Cairo by bicycle and explore the most to him is the Kolyma River.

6 things that do not bring home from your trip to

1. coins and currency 
Do not keep money and currencies own Bugetk except in two cases; If you have a hobby of collecting coins, the love of stored so that you have a coin from every country you visit any as souvenirs of your destination, and there is a second case where you can collect coins which you have the money abundant so enables you to return to your home without any obstacles or problems. 
And without these cases, it is advisable not to collect coins and currency for it in the end, something not feasible, especially if you are in dire need of this money local because you will soon return to your home country. 
  2 things that may not pass security 
A lot of traveling abroad do not read too much about the destination of the new controls available to them, what is available in the country may not be available in other countries, so you may find the passenger in front of you is exposed to legal accountability to just carry item is not allowed in his bag while he was at the airport, and on the so he should be well aware what things are prohibited from entering or crossing from your destination. 
3 tone unusual 
Many international travelers find themselves need to adopt a particular speech patterns during their journey so they can deal comfortably with the local population in the new destination, and this is a good reason to do so. 
But you will usually need to return to your nature when you get home. Not even being criticized by relatives and friends, this could be a new offensive words must immediately abandoned.

4 things that you no longer need 
There are a lot of things that you can abandon it when you return to your home country, you may actually need it during your trip, but you now return to your home where store your things, what do you think of that donated by, for example, for the benefit of the poor in your destination. This should catch it too much for easing the load luggage and move easily and freely. 
5. insects 
There are some hotels do not pay much attention to hygiene resulting in the presence of some insects in their rooms different, but you do not need to carry around with you to your home via clothing or luggage. Perhaps the most bedbug is a transition with a lot of travelers. 
What you need is the proper use of pesticides, and ensure the cleanliness of your luggage well, and also the first to choose the hotel with attention to such things.

6. germs and bacteria 
As far as you want to avoid the transfer of creatures invisible (or visible almost), you'll want to try to do the same thing with the bacteria causing the disease and bacteria, so even moving to your home country without any disease, what you need is to avoid infection, as well as washing your clothes in hot water, and do a thorough cleaning of your luggage when you get home, and preferably put your bags and garments in direct sunlight during the summer, both of them can help get rid of bacteria and germs. 
Perhaps this is not only in your destination, get tangled itself can be teeming with germs and bacteria

Twenty advice to have a quiet sleep in hotel rooms

"Sleep Sultan" .. such as is common in the Arab societies, but are you who support him? Many of us have difficulty when sleeping in a place not get used to it by such as chambers of hotels because of the unusual location or noise. Join us in our journey to find out how to arrive at the sleep quietly and comfortably away from the noise during your stay in hotels. 
Begins the path towards a peaceful sleep by choosing the room quiet and comfortable Here are some tips: 
1.evdil be room in the middle of the main corridor on the top floor away from the elevators and entrances and exits and room services, to ensure calm accompanied by sleep comfortably, preferably room with a high ceiling and space room until you feel isolated who is around you and sink into a deep sleep, and often classified those rooms suites within the hotel. 
Be sure to choose a room in a quiet place away from the elevators and service rooms 
Be sure to choose a room in a quiet place away from the elevators and service rooms 
2. can choose a room at the back of the hotel, and usually this kind of rooms quieter especially if they are far from parking lots, and warns of accommodation in a room floor above the dining rooms and public areas where it continues the noise of late in many often. 
3 You have to choose your room away from the water fountains do not even voice your concerns for the night, including the Pacific affects your sleep negatively, and preferably choose a room overlooking balconies with beautiful views and quiet. 
4. can ask the receptionist whether there was a renewal of operations department or even avoid the hotel suite accommodation rooms surrounding these innovations, and in the case of renovations have been completed earlier, you should choose the renovated rooms usually be cleaner and smell better. 
5 If you are suffering from insomnia, it is necessary to ask about the nature of the existing curtains, and ensure their ability to prevent light leakage and entry into force of the sun's rays into the room early so do not worry, it is possible to bring with you a clamps which control the curtains close well. 
6.amutir on the choice of rooms for non-smokers, if you are as well, so do not make you feel the smell of old cigarette uncomfortable. 
Bags and comfortable to sleep quiet and healthy 
Bags and comfortable to sleep quiet and healthy 
7 Make sure of the nature of the pillows and the conformity of you, especially if you suffer from back pain or neck, and if you do not suit you, you should contact the services to provide what you need from extra pillows. 
Now, with the second phase after booking the room and before preparing for sleep, it is possible that these tips will help you to spend a quiet night in preparation for a new day of work or hiking: 
8 is linked to other personal furnishings and coverings to help him sleep better, and you can bring with you some of them on the grounds that it ensures that you rest and sleep better, especially if you suffer from allergies to certain types of detergents or bleaching materials used by the hotel. And do not miss too perfume perfuming the room you prefer before going to sleep. 
9 Try not to read or dine in bed, even though the seating space is limited, so make the bed in the room is always a place to rest and sleep only. 
10 does not change your habits before going to sleep, this is the place makes you feel affinity with, and you can enjoy to the radio or TV if you are familiar with it, but has to be cut so that the sound does not bother the other guests. 
11 does not address overeat or large amounts of food at dinner, it affects Astgrack in sleep, and you should not go overboard in tea and coffee drinks that contain caffeine. 
12.imkn to ask the front desk that converts phone calls and incoming messages to you to voicemail during the hours of sleep, so do not Toukzk any figures wrong. 
Put a banner such as "Please Do Not Disturb" on the door of the room 
Put a banner such as "Please Do Not Disturb" on the door of the room 
13 It is possible that helps you sleep providing some "white noise" that make sounds different drops of rain or the sound of the wind, which prevents outside noise and provides an atmosphere of dreamy sleep. And much of what is available in the hotel rooms or can be obtained from the reception, as you can download one of the applications available for smart phones such as White Noise Lite is available for free for Android phones, the iPhone, iPad and then choose the severed appropriate, as well as the loading of the site, such as 
14 If you do not want to bother you in the early morning, you can be sure that there is a sign stating that annoy you on the outside door handle, especially since there are a lot of workers begin their work at eight o'clock in the morning. 
15. you check the hotel alarm clock and stop all times predetermined by former guests, and would prefer to have your alarm clock has run the way I used to and tone. 
16.qubl to sleep Adjust the room temperature so that suits you, or open a window for the renewal of the air in the room. And also be sure to close the room light with the light cycle to keep the water so as not to stumble after waking up in a place Reinvent not damaged. 
Adjust the temperature and lighting as you like for a peaceful sleep 
Adjust the temperature and lighting as you like for a peaceful sleep 
17 you can take a warm bath to help you relax and sleep better. 
18 It is possible to utilize ear plugs during sleep so as not to worry because of the noise, as well as shades for your eyes, especially if you do not room curtains. 
19 In the event immortalized to bed breathe deeply several times to help you relax, and if you can not sleep can get out of bed and do something else such as reading magazine then back again. 
20 If you hear a loud noise from the adjoining room brings you, you can contact the reception to take it, as well as if the room in which the floor renovations Alataatkabbal contact the Office for the replacement of the room, especially if you will set up several nights.
احرص على اختيار غرفة في مكان هادئ بعيد عن المصاعد وغرف الخدمات

وسائد مريحة لنوم هادئ وصحي

6 ways to feel like you are in your home on the plane

Could represent the independence of the plane mixed experience between anxiety and interestingness especially for those who are doing it for the first time, but there are some tips that you should bear in mind when you trip on the plane so as to ensure a comfortable ride and stress-free and Kotk sitting on a bench in your home.
1 - Book your seat in advance 
One of the best things you can do to make sure that everything is going okay is that you book well in advance of the trip, to increase the chances of getting a seat on a suitable and comfortable for you. Nothing can befall you bored on a flight more than to be on the bench makes you feel upset. 
You might want to choose the aisle seat, giving you easy access to the toilet or to your bag without having to fees of the person next to you. Also, try not to 
Sitting too close to the toilets because they tend to be areas of high traffic movement. 
If you know who you tend to get a nap during your flight, you should attempt to request a window seat so that they can have something to lean upon when 
2 - and your entertainment 
Activities range in the home between listening to a group of radio stations or some TV channels or read some books, so why not bring in your bag special on board some of these tools? 
Make sure that you have your MP3 player, and DVDs to watch them on your laptop, your sure to bring a book or a favorite novel for you. 
3 - Dress appropriately 
Would not feel comfortable in a narrow place if you're wearing underwear is not appropriate, and therefore you should wear loose clothing or jeans and comfortable to wear T-shirt under the shirt so that you can adapt to the climates changing quickly and easily, and make sure you have warm socks are useful in the journey, especially in the event of a lower temperature. 
If you are heading to a destination with a tropical climate, you should wear lightweight clothing such as linen or cotton and try wearing them immediately after landing.

4 - to maximize comfort 
Plugs and gum materials are very useful in regulating the air pressure at high altitudes, especially during take-off and landing. If you're hoping to get a nap on the plane, you'll need to bring a pillow for your neck. 
Finally, make sure you keep a snack and some water at your disposal at all times, especially if it is a long journey. 
5 - Follow the morals 
Many people often overlook the importance of preserving the environment Travel harmonious and stable connection between them and the crew or other passengers. 
Arts include the use of the armrest on the right (except if there is no one sitting to your left, in this case you can use both) and to maintain the necessary level of calm 
For others. . 
Do not try to break into the area of ​​personal privacy of others and do not be talkative. Also, it is also wise to deal gently with the flight attendants and you have to submit your application to them in a polite way.

How can we get rid of the tension before the trip?

What tension before the flight can affect travelers for the first time and old alike, especially if they have experienced painful previously, but there are some tips which you can get to the airport free of anxiety are just looking for ways to have fun and entertainment.

Sort necessities 
There are a lot of small things that can and should be organized before a trip abroad, and if you do you will feel much better, especially with organizing your paperwork in early; beginning of a passport, and a visa, if necessary, with attention to orders insurance is suitable for your destination, also check the preservation of important documents together and make a few groups, including pictorial separately. Make sure that the ATM and your credit cards can work out in your destination, and be sure to get some local currency for emergencies. 
If you want to stay in touch with friends, and let them know your plans do not miss communicate through Facebook, Twitter, email or even create an account on the site so you can publish pictures and stories while you're away. 
Refine information 
Reading about your destination is half the fun, and your sleep, and through Web sites and forums Travel scattered across the Internet. Make sure you know the best way to get from the airport to your hotel. 
Reduce Luggage 
Sure, you might have to carry lots and lots of travel purposes in previous times what you think you need it, has proven you do not need to only half of it, so why not avoid back pain by reducing your luggage, and this also means reducing stress while before the flight. Those clothes multiple probably will not see the light during your trip, so keep in mind that you can buy anything you need in case you forget when you arrive there, only cared Bmstelzmatk favorite, and make sure to fit your hand luggage on the plane on what you need as a book is good and essential items and useful things such as phone charger your camera and notebook computers as well. 
Avoid the last minute rush 
Access to the airport is easy enough, either by trains, buses, taxis or private cars, but place a contingency plan, it could prevent you traffic jams and train delays and parking problems in Alousob Palmied which will cause you stress and then stress, so check schedules time, put in mind wasted time until you reach the airport without any obstacles, it is also better to get to the airport early.

Things you should know before traveling to Thailand

1 Why visit 
Thailand has a lot to offer visitors, from thriving capital to beautiful mountains to the tropical beaches and islands in the very extravaganza. So if you would set up there for a few weeks or more, you will not be able to see all the scenic sights, and then you put some options and preferences before you arrive either by the tour guide or the advice of friends or online. 
2 plans for your accommodation before you travel 
If you know that the area visited by the overcrowded populations, such as the Khao San Road in Bangkok or Patong Beach in Phuket, it must be planned in advance before traveling to the place of your stay, we know that it is not difficult for you to walk from the hotel to another to find Mtbak appropriate, However, the curfew with a backpack to look for a place to sleep and although it may be fun in a new country but often end up miserable experience. 
3 visit to the doctor 
Thailand know the lack of health risks to visitors, but many doctors recommend vaccination against hepatitis B, and possibly other drugs and vaccinations depending on your overall health and areas that will be visited. 
4. know the culture in Thailand 
Thailand is like nowhere else in the world, whether you're coming from North America, Europe, Asia or Africa, Vstbdo probably Thailand as a foreign and very strange when you arrive. However, the transition between its parts may be better served by a simple reading in the country's history, and religions, and literature followed.

1 Why visit 
Thailand has a lot to offer visitors, from thriving capital to beautiful mountains to the tropical beaches and islands in the very extravaganza. So if you would set up there for a few weeks or more, you will not be able to see all the scenic sights, and then you put some options and preferences before you arrive either by the tour guide or the advice of friends or online. 
2 plans for your accommodation before you travel 
If you know that the area visited by the overcrowded populations, such as the Khao San Road in Bangkok or Patong Beach in Phuket, it must be planned in advance before traveling to the place of your stay, we know that it is not difficult for you to walk from the hotel to another to find Mtbak appropriate, However, the curfew with a backpack to look for a place to sleep and although it may be fun in a new country but often end up miserable experience. 
3 visit to the doctor 
Thailand know the lack of health risks to visitors, but many doctors recommend vaccination against hepatitis B, and possibly other drugs and vaccinations depending on your overall health and areas that will be visited. 
4. know the culture in Thailand 
Thailand is like nowhere else in the world, whether you're coming from North America, Europe, Asia or Africa, Vstbdo probably Thailand as a foreign and very strange when you arrive. However, the transition between its parts may be better served by a simple reading in the country's history, and religions, and literature followed.

Ideas of sites to help you save money on travel

May travel in one day alone you will find yourself compelled to pay the costs of another bed next to you, or may be in need of some money do not know how provided, along with accommodation in rooms shared with those who do not know, think in that it was better if you know someone in this the city .. you may increase pressures of everyday life Fterad bustling holiday but you see that the costs will be very expensive, supercilious idly in front of your financial position, while it may be a positive and used ideas can save you money and introduce you to people who use sites of Almnatqh you want to visit.

Individual travelers do not want to waste more money 

Individual travelers who move to different destinations all over the world have the opportunity to choose hotels offer room service to more than one person, where you are when you book a room up to await the day that you find other people there because you're simply looking for saving your money for other things. 
In front of the situation suggested site Easynet based in San Francisco the same idea, but book online with a people and recognize it before moving to the headquarters hotel, where the site aims to encourage globetrotters, but provide more money, Web site refers to the views of Visitors landing and travel dates, then you can wait for the browser chance fellow solo traveler last Christdz in the same room, the latter can be found on the partner then contact him to see if they wish to exchange the room together. 
Can partners Almstqublaan in the room to identify the Account each other, and messaging and talking before agreeing to share the room where will the visiting second money to host a first visitor directly, by virtue of that he had to pay the full money in the past, this stimulates the hosts to build an attractive image for them and for the hotel to attract the other to share a room with him. In addition to the Hotel Reservation Service, the site provides other services related to the idea that the foundation offered "the opportunity to meet new friends, and create a network, and create new opportunities, and sharing and learning in the city."
Come to my house while I'm staying in your home 

As the new trend for many of the institutions and sites is currently thinking in the pocket Traveler simple aim lured, where she presented a lot of websites Services booking hotel rooms for partners from different places, another idea came out site Kochesorving who could attract more than 10 million user last year, thanks to its services. Through Kohesarving offers Almstadhavon Eraúkhm and their beds for visitors, in addition to the methods of other popular in order to save money, including the idea of ​​sharing the house, where the two families differed in agreement on the exchange of the two houses for a certain period, and thus will not have to pay your money in hotels and will have just enjoy the rest of the tourist areas . 
If your home is located in a beautiful place worth a visit, so it was close to the tourist areas, it will be the door to K open for many who want to replace their homes, and you would be lucky to visit other places witch, you will have only the choice between them on the site, after paying about 30 pounds Sterling fee to participate in the site, after this small amount will not think Forever in costs B during your travels, only the costs of travel and food during the trip.

Expert tips to eat cheaply in the local country travel

It's summer and adventure known to take off, which means that many of us have already begun planning for the beginning of the holiday destination and determine where they are going this year and the end of what they will do there. 
As the planning process for the trip can be exciting, it can also involve a fair amount of stress and anxiety, choosing the correct destination, and find out what you'll need from luggage, as well as to determine the required budget, are just a few of the factors that are waiting for you. 
As is the case, although, there are always ways to make this process a little easier, especially when it comes to a trip to a big miss ..
1 Choose the appropriate destination 
Can be a destination to find the correct fit with the entire family a great challenge, especially for the family members a variety of tastes and different expectations, especially if you have young children and teenagers, as it is in many cases the budget will be a decisive factor. 
According to experts, you can choose from among a number of exciting destinations that can satisfy everyone without exhaustion of the budget effectively. These options are in areas near you and also unique of its kind, so you can save the expenses of the transfer with achieving sufficient enjoy at the same time. 
2 Why do you need from luggage 
One of the worst things that can happen to you on the trip, is to forget the most important group of travel items needed in the home. So I must be prepared for the journey ahead, including the correct methods in planning. 
Among the most important methods, review lists of items carried by most travelers with them and consider whether they are necessary for the destination, which will be launched to or not. Of course you will need always on the lookout for information on Bugetk online to see the updates for the temperature and so forth. 
You may also want to bring some snacks, on the grounds that you do not know the extent of quality foods in the new destination and whether you like or not. 
3. save money 
To be sure you're a low-budget, you will put yourself to a certain extent to the budget, and sometimes it can be very difficult to stay within its limitations. For this reason, the best way to prevent yourself from waste is to review some tips to provide a budget before you go. 
These tips will help you budget to save money during your trip, and while you're at your destination, and on the way home. The recommendations include, avoid tourist restaurants, and the use of the manual. 
4 Finally: Find the fun in your trip 
It's a holiday, so it is not a good time to lose text messages on the phone or surfing the Internet. This means that you have to take actual comfort rather than keep yourself boxed Dgutat work and social media. 
Spend your time with friends and family, and try to relax completely, setting realistic expectations, and plan in advance to make your next vacation enjoyable and can not forget, because this way, it will return to the courts is and you feel refreshed and ready really any new tasks can be performed.

Things I do not miss when visiting Tokyo

Constitute the Tokyo Japanese largest urban agglomeration in the world, as well as it includes many of the hotel chains, luxury and technology centers, and skyscrapers gleaming and hundreds of shops travel that meet market luxury travel, and this is what makes it one among the destinations dream for many fans to travel around the world , here are seven things you should not be missed when you travel to this beautiful city.

1. see the beauty of the cherry blossoms in spring 
If you're in Tokyo in the spring, you should go to one of the local parks to watch the Cherry Blossom scented and colorful, and one of the best gardens are garden Gyun national in Shinjuku neighborhood, which opened originally in 1906 and has about 20,000 trees, including 1,500 cherry trees , and this is what makes it magical scene in both the spring and the fall when the leaves turn to rich colors impressive. 
2. explore the National Museum of Western Art 
There are hundreds of interesting museums in Tokyo, covering the interests of art lovers, history, science, and is the National Museum of Western Art, located in Ueno Park in Taito central Tokyo, and one of those museums are particularly attractive thanks to the paintings and sculptures displayed it. The museum houses more than 4,500 pieces dating back to the 14th century, and where you will find the work of Rubens, Monet, Picasso, Pollock, Rembrandt, Cezanne and many others. The building was designed by Swiss architect and opened in 1959, to be included later on the World Heritage List of UNESCO. 
If you prefer to learn more about local history, went to the Edo-Tokyo Museum in Sumida, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum and the Museum of Nezu. 
3 Meiji shrine visit 
And one of the most wonderful items in Tokyo is the traditional heritage contained in shrines ancient temples scattered throughout the city, the most famous example, and can say that the most beautiful though everyone was stunning is the shrine of Meiji which was built in 1920 but it's just that suffered damage in the war second World, has been built by the Japanese people in commemoration of Emperor Meiji and his wife Empress Schocken, and you can access it easily as it is located in the shopping district of Shibuya. 
4. not miss watching a movie Lost in Translation 
And one of the biggest movies that have been filmed entirely in Tokyo in 2003, is the movie "Lost in Translation," which was able to embody virtually all scenes of nature in Tokyo, it was filmed in various locations throughout the city including Shinjuku and areas of Shibuya, and its events revolve in the Park Hyatt Hotel in Shinjuku skyscraper, which is composed of 52 floors, and perhaps also one of the most expensive hotels in the city, and you should know that Shinjuku is home to many of the modern architectural buildings such as city hall of modern Tokyo.

5. discovery of the temples of Tokyo 
You can not visit Tokyo and visit some beautiful temples and built nicely in the city, the best example of architecture you'll find in the Senso-ji temple in Asakusa, Taito district, was inaugurated in AD 645, the structure of the G presents a typical Japanese architecture.
6. local eating sushi 
Food is the most famous in Japan is sushi, which is often cook now all over the world, to get a taste of sushi Japanese original, went to the fish market, Tsukiji, which offers the tastiest Sushi Fresh in the city, this huge market, also known as the Tokyo market central doing what More than 1,600 of market stalls with fish species of rare and impressive, such as lobster, crab, and Tokyo is home to the Fugu fish, which can be fatal consumption unless it is specially prepared! 
7 experience park Disneyland Japanese style 
And one of the most busiest tourist attractions in Tokyo is Disneyland, which is the first Disney resort to open outside the United States in 1983 and it will enjoy the most beautiful games entertainment with more than 13 million visitors annually.

Eight Tips to keep your stomach during travel

Data was published in modern American to confirm that more than 10 million passengers abroad, especially those who are regular trips usually get diseases, particularly diarrhea, which Oazath those data to the consumption of drink or food is good, and so it was necessary to follow some of the habits and take some steps before you eat the food in the country to travel to maintain your health and your stomach.

1. when entering into a new restaurant in the trip must look to the waiter and cooks; Why wear, how to deal with food, for example, do their hair tied, do you wear plastic gloves or not, and if you find things is that you leave the restaurant immediately, this is also applies in the event of any waiter smoked in during his food. 
2. looking for crowded places when choosing a restaurant on the road, especially if they are customers of the local population, this definitive guide on the cleanliness of the place, it can not provide the people of the country to eat rotten. 
  3 Avoid raw foods as much as possible when traveling to other countries or regions, and the best option is canned foods and fresh, and do not eat too much spicy foods, some people get pain in the stomach if consumed foods that contain chili or spices. 
  4 Avoid mixing drinks with tap water or ice cubes, you do not know the nature and source of the water made ​​them ice cubes, and beverages served with hot water is a good option, such as hot tea or hot coffee. 
5. not all mineral water is safe. Therefore, you should choose credible brand in your country and make sure they close the court. 
6 Do not eat food that is left open for more than an hour, especially if the air temperature or room temperature too hot above 32 degrees Celsius. 
7 Use wet wipes to clean the tools hotels beginning of the door handle of the water cycle, and the phone. And do not forget to wash tableware such as cups, spoons and saucers with hot water before use, but if you are visiting developing countries, you will need to bring your own equipment. 
8 does not accept to eat fresh fruit or vegetables before they make sure to wash them well, and it is advisable that you also Ptqchireha first.


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