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Tips to ensure the safety of your children on safari

vendredi 22 août 2014

Do you like adventure and love of wildlife? So you're going to do safari new but may be accompanied by children, which may cause anxiety in some cases .. but those tips collected by the "Encyclopedia of Traveler" may remove the tension a little bit and make you accept on this trip without any worries hinder the enjoyment true this holiday wonderful .

Start your trip gradually 
When you are in Namibia, for example, moved from small gardens to larger Valokpr until you reach the park Etosha National and this does not apply to the area, but also on the degree of excitement and brutality enjoyed by animals in each garden, while the animals in Windhoek, the capital, could be smaller Mantkm Banamibia in the first, the children at the same time they be more enthusiastic to discover what is the largest.

Managing expectations 
Talk with your children about patience, and reminded them that they may have to wait to see the big game between the animals and of course understanding will hope that, you have to make it with them like a game, and I work to teach them fun research, and the fact that is willing to help them pass the time when there is what they will see. Many lodges offer books (either at the reception desk or in the gift shop) and that will help your kids identify animals that are unfamiliar and must stay away from them.
Helping them to create their own memories 
If you can give your children their own camera or allow them to possess video recorder for memories that are sure to bring a smile to them at a later date, and will also help them to retain their memories and discussed with those around them. And work on the existence of paper and pencils with them to work on drawing and coloring any animal does not move much.
Let them sleep 
In safari tends Argonauts, including children, to get a break, either in the morning or evening, and for children who hate tours long car, or who tend to sleep once, allow them to do not mind that Anamu even short periods of time between now and then, and allow them too comfortable when things are going slowly.
Be careful on them in the wild 
Tour operators can lead you to believe that all things are completely safe, but that is not the case all the time, so remember that young children can look like prey to wild animals, and then Vaaml to close all the doors and windows of cars tightly and be very careful of your children as it can be them to open their doors in order to enjoy more of which can be dangerous for them.
Due Care 
You have to double check the age limits before you travel to your destination, not all forums allow children to enter the small, usually raises the anxiety and the noise level some of the animals, and the safety factor for the young may also represent an obstacle. Some safari reduce the minimum age if you are in a private jeep only for your family, carefully thought long and hard about your child's personality before booking a trip, Vnobh anger in the wild can have dire consequences.

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