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Twenty advice to have a quiet sleep in hotel rooms

vendredi 15 août 2014

"Sleep Sultan" .. such as is common in the Arab societies, but are you who support him? Many of us have difficulty when sleeping in a place not get used to it by such as chambers of hotels because of the unusual location or noise. Join us in our journey to find out how to arrive at the sleep quietly and comfortably away from the noise during your stay in hotels. 
Begins the path towards a peaceful sleep by choosing the room quiet and comfortable Here are some tips: 
1.evdil be room in the middle of the main corridor on the top floor away from the elevators and entrances and exits and room services, to ensure calm accompanied by sleep comfortably, preferably room with a high ceiling and space room until you feel isolated who is around you and sink into a deep sleep, and often classified those rooms suites within the hotel. 
Be sure to choose a room in a quiet place away from the elevators and service rooms 
Be sure to choose a room in a quiet place away from the elevators and service rooms 
2. can choose a room at the back of the hotel, and usually this kind of rooms quieter especially if they are far from parking lots, and warns of accommodation in a room floor above the dining rooms and public areas where it continues the noise of late in many often. 
3 You have to choose your room away from the water fountains do not even voice your concerns for the night, including the Pacific affects your sleep negatively, and preferably choose a room overlooking balconies with beautiful views and quiet. 
4. can ask the receptionist whether there was a renewal of operations department or even avoid the hotel suite accommodation rooms surrounding these innovations, and in the case of renovations have been completed earlier, you should choose the renovated rooms usually be cleaner and smell better. 
5 If you are suffering from insomnia, it is necessary to ask about the nature of the existing curtains, and ensure their ability to prevent light leakage and entry into force of the sun's rays into the room early so do not worry, it is possible to bring with you a clamps which control the curtains close well. 
6.amutir on the choice of rooms for non-smokers, if you are as well, so do not make you feel the smell of old cigarette uncomfortable. 
Bags and comfortable to sleep quiet and healthy 
Bags and comfortable to sleep quiet and healthy 
7 Make sure of the nature of the pillows and the conformity of you, especially if you suffer from back pain or neck, and if you do not suit you, you should contact the services to provide what you need from extra pillows. 
Now, with the second phase after booking the room and before preparing for sleep, it is possible that these tips will help you to spend a quiet night in preparation for a new day of work or hiking: 
8 is linked to other personal furnishings and coverings to help him sleep better, and you can bring with you some of them on the grounds that it ensures that you rest and sleep better, especially if you suffer from allergies to certain types of detergents or bleaching materials used by the hotel. And do not miss too perfume perfuming the room you prefer before going to sleep. 
9 Try not to read or dine in bed, even though the seating space is limited, so make the bed in the room is always a place to rest and sleep only. 
10 does not change your habits before going to sleep, this is the place makes you feel affinity with, and you can enjoy to the radio or TV if you are familiar with it, but has to be cut so that the sound does not bother the other guests. 
11 does not address overeat or large amounts of food at dinner, it affects Astgrack in sleep, and you should not go overboard in tea and coffee drinks that contain caffeine. 
12.imkn to ask the front desk that converts phone calls and incoming messages to you to voicemail during the hours of sleep, so do not Toukzk any figures wrong. 
Put a banner such as "Please Do Not Disturb" on the door of the room 
Put a banner such as "Please Do Not Disturb" on the door of the room 
13 It is possible that helps you sleep providing some "white noise" that make sounds different drops of rain or the sound of the wind, which prevents outside noise and provides an atmosphere of dreamy sleep. And much of what is available in the hotel rooms or can be obtained from the reception, as you can download one of the applications available for smart phones such as White Noise Lite is available for free for Android phones, the iPhone, iPad and then choose the severed appropriate, as well as the loading of the site, such as 
14 If you do not want to bother you in the early morning, you can be sure that there is a sign stating that annoy you on the outside door handle, especially since there are a lot of workers begin their work at eight o'clock in the morning. 
15. you check the hotel alarm clock and stop all times predetermined by former guests, and would prefer to have your alarm clock has run the way I used to and tone. 
16.qubl to sleep Adjust the room temperature so that suits you, or open a window for the renewal of the air in the room. And also be sure to close the room light with the light cycle to keep the water so as not to stumble after waking up in a place Reinvent not damaged. 
Adjust the temperature and lighting as you like for a peaceful sleep 
Adjust the temperature and lighting as you like for a peaceful sleep 
17 you can take a warm bath to help you relax and sleep better. 
18 It is possible to utilize ear plugs during sleep so as not to worry because of the noise, as well as shades for your eyes, especially if you do not room curtains. 
19 In the event immortalized to bed breathe deeply several times to help you relax, and if you can not sleep can get out of bed and do something else such as reading magazine then back again. 
20 If you hear a loud noise from the adjoining room brings you, you can contact the reception to take it, as well as if the room in which the floor renovations Alataatkabbal contact the Office for the replacement of the room, especially if you will set up several nights.
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