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Guide travelers to China for the first time

vendredi 15 août 2014

Despite the fact that China is a tourist country diverse and beautiful, still travel destination with the charm worrying, especially if this is your first visit, if you're someone who intend to travel there for the first time in your life, this guide to land the most populous on the planet. 

1. break the language barrier 
The first obstacle, and perhaps only, and that must be bypassed when you travel to all parts of China is the language barrier, it is a barrier that can hinder you continue your trip naturally, so it is advisable to try to learn some words and phrases before you visit this new country, especially that this is you will facilitate the process move a lot and then the rest of the daily dealings ending with a visit various tourist attractions. 
If you can not learn the Chinese language there is one thing you should always do when you travel to all parts of China is to carry with you a paper written in Chinese from your hotel with your commute and places that you want to visit so you can show it to passers-by, taxi drivers, bus conductors and the like. 
2. focus on one area of the visit 
China is a country and widespread, it's a great incredibly until they contain some of the highest mountains in the world, and some of the largest world's deserts also, as well as remote forests, grasslands endless and, of course, many of the largest cities in the world may you need months and months of travel, so instead of distributing the time of the first trip on the entire country, which would be tired you, you have to choose one area or even only one county and explored properly. 

3 Check the Weather 
At any time of the year, there are places in China enjoys ideal weather for travel, but not anywhere nearly perfect weather year-round. To ensure enjoy the first trip you to China away from Mufajaet, you need good planning to travel and reading good about it, generally spring and autumn are the seasons most comfortable, though not in all the provinces, and in many parts of China Spring and autumn are nothing more than just a few weeks . 
4. the use of public transport 
You get rid of the independence of taxis and planes and headed to the bus, bicycles and trains to China to see whatever he sees locals. The taxis are certainly easier, but where the fun in that? Public transportation systems in China is already large and not worry about the confusion and lack of knowledge in the beginning, people are Chinese in general are very friendly and helpful and honest, especially for foreigners who can not speak Chinese, so they be always with you to guide you to the right path if you lose your way. 

5. eat local 
China has many great features, but we can say that the best of them is their food, where the cuisine varies greatly from one region to another, and we recommend eating cuisine popular in local restaurants to further enjoy and enrich the experience, try to learn before you travel how to use chopsticks so as not to be a source of concern for you.

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