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Tourism in North Africa is witnessing an increasing growth despite setbacks

vendredi 15 août 2014

But achieving that growth was not easy. Recent developments hinder the recovery of the tourism sector in North Africa, which calls for the drafting of new plans to attract tourists. 

It was the region among the hardest hit areas of the decline in tourism globally after the attacks of September terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001, in addition to the decline in the tourism sector regional briefly during the American invasion of Iraq. On the other hand resulted in a series of decisions that have been taken in the field of tourism policy in addition to the positive recovery in the exchange rate against the euro and the pound sterling to rise in the level of tourism boom. 

Tunisia is the point of a natural to attract tourists to what is available by the effects of the Roman and Phoenician in Carthage and Aldogh, and the legacy of Arab-Islamic and religious schools have been preserved perfectly in Kairouan, in addition to the old Berber villages around Medenine and beautiful beaches on the Mediterranean coast and the desert oases. 

One of the most important privileges to the main Tunisian tourism sector in its relations and its international partners, which is the result of a long period in the hospitality sector of tourism. So as to help them provide the infrastructure for hotels and transportation sectors. And local hotel chains play a leading role in Tunisia's attempts to achieve a balance between public and private bodies in the tourism sector. It also helps the country displayed by openness and tolerance towards tourists. 

Among the obstacles they overcame Tunisia decline in the number of German tourists visiting one million tourists to approximately 600 thousand a year after the terrorist attack in Djerba in 2002, where he was the majority of victims of German tourists. 

This case revealed that Tunisia was overly dependence on tourist arrivals from Germany and France. Among other weaknesses excessive focus on services, tourism and recreational beaches, and failure to follow international standards in tourism services. 

Tunisia and addressed the issue of diversification of visitors to focus on other countries in Western Europe such as Italy, Spain and other countries with such familiar tourist destination. And is now targeting new markets such as Russia and Japan. It also underway to focus on Algeria and Libya in their capacity as regional exporters for tourists as well as North African citizens living abroad. 

And Other efforts include improving the infrastructure for sports facilities and recreational, development of medical tourism-oriented countries such as Libya, attracting conferences and exhibitions, and finding accommodation is hotels and areas designated for tourists, and finally provide more recreational areas for family tourism. In this context, the establishment has Yasmine Hammamet in Tunisia to provide another option is Port El Kantaoui private households. 

Morocco Tourism is a key factor in the generation of foreign currency. Where the country seeks to achieve an increase of 100 per cent in the number of tourists who Azornh currently estimated five million visitors a year and in his hotels absorptive capacity amounting to 85 thousand beds and increase the number of hotel staff to 600 thousand, and so by 2010. 

One of the primary ways to achieve that goal adoption law liberalization of air traffic in February 2004, this new legislation provides options for international airlines, other than those relating to the management of scheduled flights to Morocco and gives airlines the opportunity to own the transfer of foreigners into the country. The Minister for Transport and processing cream Gulab this new stimulus, saying that "the right of any airline is always open line to Morocco to enjoy exclusive privileges for a full year with significant discounts on airport charges." And show that the country's tourism sector, which is witnessing a sustained competitive requires attract additional foreign investments. 

Tangier has to be probably the most important area of ​​major growth will know a tourist in Morocco-which will become the second industrial zone of free trade and tourism in the country after Casablanca. The compound also will open the port of Tangier Med. And is likely to help the city is awash with the history, culture and architecture and archaeological sites to attract more tourists from European countries at the opening of a tunnel or waterway has plans to link between Morocco and Spain. 

Did not live up to the level of Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco in attracting tourists because of the scarcity of hotels and tourist sites with good governance, and the lack of promotion by the government and the occurrence of a major earthquake in 2003 and began to decline with the wave of terror unleashed by the civil conflict in the country, is witnessing a revival of tourism. 

And pushed the possibility of collecting remittances in foreign currency Algerian government to make more efforts to bring in tourists since 1989, the company became the National Tourism is centralized and given autonomy to state-owned hotels, which then granted foreign companies such as Hilton Hotels right in the management of modern construction. It also has been an increase in the number of hotel rooms by encouraging domestic and foreign investment in the private contracting common. The progress made by Algeria in tourism and the possibilities for future success at best when the country hosted the World Tourism Day on September 27, 2003. 

The growing instability in addition to strategic planning, the right to continue the growth in the tourism sector in North Africa.

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