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Things you should know before traveling to Turkey part 2

vendredi 15 août 2014

If you want to stay in the air-conditioned room is fully equipped with toilet, you should stay in a five-star hotel, especially if you are looking for a distinctive and nutritious meals, and if I lived with my people you will have a day out to the nearest restaurant to eat your breakfast manner.

Interval price is absolutely imperative in many places in Turkey, and the general rule is if the seller accepts barter on the producer do so and stuck at a price that you find appropriate, even if it came pretending to walk away and rejected the product, especially to those resourceful make the seller gives you what you want at the price that you specified in advance, but if you refused to abandon the product, or pay the price required. 
You learn a few Turkish words before travel, until enhance your experience in general, and you should know that the Turkish people are very friendly and trying hard to help tourists and foreigners coming to their country, so that it may in some cases up to offer an invitation to the family home for tea or coffee Turkish. 
Currency Converter: 
Specifically considered converting the dollar and the euro to Turkish lira from the easy things in Turkey, where progress moneychangers best price, and also spread ATMs all over Turkey, but do not rely on ATM card your main source of money cash, you might not be able to find an ATM in place you're visiting, so make always with you some of the money side of the ATM card and credit cards.

Etiquette Dress: 
Although Turkey as a Mediterranean melting pot of cultures of the East and the West, and one feels instinctively that in a global countries, the rural communities in Turkey still keep their customs and traditions of old, and so if you choose to travel to Turkey should be aware of the etiquette of the right dress. 
Means of communication: 
Use your mobile phone in Turkey Saqaibdk expensive, so if you're planning to do a lot of local calls within Turkey, you will need to purchase local SIM card and inserted into your phone will be your transaction at that time, depending on the rates of Turkish whether conducted calls, local or international, and if you are planning to conduct international calls are many, the most economical way in is to buy card TT.
Turks portray women, especially in rural areas is one of the things abusive, if mentioned you rejected when directing the camera towards them must be stopped immediately, but if responded to Mtbak Uadthen and send a copy of the pictures, you'll need to abide by the promise. 
If you are visiting Turkey in the summer, especially in July and August, you may need a sun hat and cream for your protection from burns harmful rays, and if you visit in the winter, especially in November, December, January, February, March, you will need warm clothing and some umbrellas . 
Although tap water is safe to drink in Turkey, but it is recommended to buy bottled mineral water in bottles to drink, which can be found in any store almost, this is because the chlorinated water for reasons of sanitation in Turkish cities may not like the smell, and in the end you can safely cleaning your teeth using tap water.

Transit cars: 
Must ensure that there are appropriate distance between you and the next car when crossing the street to the public in big cities, especially to motorists driving at high speeds in open places. 
Turkey is one of the safest countries in the world, but there are some rare cases of theft, crime and burglaries that occur in large cities, so if you want to walk all around the city at night, leave things your value, such as money and passport in a safe hotel to avoid any incidents theft.
If you are traveling independently, must verify dates of private visits to museums, especially as it is closed most of the museums of the time at least one week, but in general you can visit the archaeological sites a day from nine o'clock am to five pm.

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