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The role of governments and individuals in the development of tourism second part

vendredi 15 août 2014

Before we leave discuss the impact of foreign tourists spending over the breadth of the market, should clarify a very important point. When we pointed to a narrow local market as an obstacle in the face of economic growth did not want to comment at length on this subject, lest dragged into research do not have the space to in our article this. However, it should be noted that the tight market in underdeveloped countries due to the low rate of per capita income. The tight market, in this sense, disappear if the flow of demand for what in this market of goods. However, the flow demand can not take unless the rate of personal income residents increased significantly. And this request please, on the other hand, is linked theoretically the rate of local income individuals in the country backward, but was expanding much as he can of the country to attract foreign tourists. So we can say that underdeveloped countries in which there are tourist goods could remove an obstacle tight market if she was able to create a high level of demand on tourist services. What are the means to be adopted by the Arab countries to increase the turnout of foreigners on tourist services, and how can we make our potential demand for tourism is on the rise steadily over the years? . 

The motivation for individuals to travel, which we call Balseahi may be one or more of several reasons, the most important visit to the holy places, or visit archeological sites to see the remnants commends the work of our predecessors or the purpose of hospitalization in places erupt where springs contain water minerals and salts cures many diseases, or intent to enjoy the beautiful weather and the right temperature, or the purpose of watching or just to get to know the country has not heard of them tourists visited it before, or to watch sports or music festivals Awaltmtheleh etc. .. and the Arab countries as a tourist to meet all of these desires. So we can say that the Arab countries as a tourist enjoying a tourist cards are many and varied. In our country emerged religions, and its history is rooted since he was the world. There is no need for an increase in the suspension and the thrill because a look at the contents of this issue of the leading Arab private tourism is enough to convince any skeptical. 

Factor publicity 

You need the capabilities available to attract tourists in the Arab country to the advertising and the definition of the masses of the countries that are frequently Ohloha Scriptures of the benefits of tourism in the Arab countries. We note today, on a global level, the tendency towards organizing tours collective organization of a certain area is not a single country. So it must be coordinated between the tourist propaganda Arab countries to introduce it as a tourist. This requires a joint effort between the governments concerned. We have already noted that the economic benefits to large that can derive from tourism in order to achieve a comprehensive Economic Development. Since that some Arab governments have begun to take it upon themselves to achieve this Development, so it must, in order to develop their common economic interests, that you Baltnsag with each other by definition all the energies of their countries tourism so as to overcome the narrow scope of the domestic market, and benefit, therefore, from money that puts tourists in our markets wide when they read the Arabic and our potential tourist come to our countries to see what they knew through advertising. Definition by advertising and the media, and what interesting articles in the Arab countries of the factors that attract tourists, is very important and necessary for the success of tourism and thus to strengthen the financial and other ingredients necessary to grow our economies. 

If successful, the publicity to bring in tourists at a time or a certain circumstance, the increase in the number of these tourists over the years not only requires follow-up definition, including in the Arab countries of the facilities and the potential in tourism, but must be coupled with an effort to secure all the leaves with tourists from impressions of good and interesting Trgbhm return once or more times to our land and that of their peers in their own countries Ichjaawa tourism in our countries. Tourists affected by the treatment meted out to opine from passing through the customs authorities and the powers of public security and ending Pfndgah and shops, which are visited and ranches, which are visited at night. Here we see it necessary to be a customs transactions and security quick and uncomplicated so feel the tourist that he is welcome, as Arab countries must Shall feature a single entry for foreigners because the save financially both in terms of time or in terms of money that may be paid by the tourist to get multiple attributes. There is no doubt that the adoption of such a move would encourage the increasing number of visitors, is also helping to devote unit of Arab tourist market. It is incumbent upon the Arab countries to create and tourist police units are limited in their mission to help the tourists do not intimidate and Tnverhm. 

This demands that we have mentioned addressed to the governments in the Arab countries. However, the behavior of individual citizens towards tourists remains the most important factor in the formation of good impressions with visitors. So should citizens treated gently and tourist welcome and express the desire to help him. If we call on our citizens to exercise these advantages is because we know that social Thveibna, in general, has not yet reached the level required in this area. 

It must be noted here is an important point related to international tourism and its relationship to what may be called the flexibility of demand, ie everything that can affect in reducing the high costs of tourism. This means that the reduction in prices of transportation and accommodation can be accompanied by a large increase in the number of tourists, and this in turn compensates for the loss of profits due to lower prices. Given that tourists prefer Bokthreythm overland movement is inevitable establishment of a modern road networks between major cities and tourist sites, as is inevitable renovation rail link, where possible, between the Arab countries and between these countries and Europe. These remedies are helping to reduce transport fares, and they contribute to raising the numbers of tourists from the middle class who are charging them too much travel expenses and the cost of accommodation etc. .. In this regard, it is necessary to encourage the establishment of hotels from grades tourist, rather than focusing on luxury hotels and feels like a welcome only Balsaúh rich do not. It also should be encouraged to guest houses and serviced apartments. The cost of these facilities is a few scattered, large-scale, in many Arab countries, despite the fact that the cost of construction and management does not require big capital and human administrative effort. Have enough people to run one set of furnished apartments and thus can be leased commensurate with the budget of many low-income tourists. 

Of the difficulties faced by workers in the field of tourism being prone to seasonal fluctuations renewed. In particular season breed of tourists in the country or a particular region, while declining significantly reduced tourist traffic in places and other times. It is in order to install the income of workers and institutions in the field of tourism requires measures to ensure the continuation of tourist activity at a reasonable level during the whole year. In order to achieve this goal has to be to institutions Alphendwih of reducing wages stay during the months of reduced tourist traffic. 


In the country's capital of Arab tourism huge proliferation over the eons former job, making this region one of the richest parts of the world capital-historical tourism, plus a rare natural capital. But we see that the benefit of this capital, when compared with the achievements of some other countries through its tourism potential, there is still little unorganized and needs a lot of organization and perseverance. And here we mean the availability of capital and the tourist presence and effects of conditions on the desire to pay a visit Arab countries. However, the element is not enough in itself provided for the conversion of energy into tourist active ingredient in the construction of the economic entity. The Italy and Switzerland rely mainly on income from tourism, and there is nothing to prevent the emergence of a similar situation in the Arab countries around us if we are to our potential tourist potential actors. 

Element Tourism Altkamilaan are easy to navigate and provide the means, in addition to the existence of institutions and hotel and guesthouse suit the ability of tourists, whether they are affluent or middle of the case. Viewed from the elements essential to the process of moving from good roads and the possibility to use the organizer of the pathways of air under bilateral or international treaties, the state is responsible first and foremost about making processes of movement possible and affordable. On that mobility within the scope of the laws, treaties and regulations, and to provide the means necessary, except railway transportation rail, remains basically left to individuals and private institutions. But has yet to be difficult for individuals and private institutions owning or adoption means the most expensive such as ships and naval aircraft, so we are witnessing today the carriers giant state-owned and managed Boisttha. Does this mean that the role of individuals and private companies in the field of transport has become a tourist on the road to extinction? . The answer to that is that the field is still open to individuals and private institutions to act as intermediaries sea and air transport as well as tourist transport procedure. And still the work of individuals and private institutions the most important element in the establishment of hotel establishments, cafes and nightclubs. 

Summary of research show that tourism as a positive development in the economies of the Arab countries have not exploited properly until today, and that for various reasons the most important deficiencies in the government's effort towards the development of the individual and the raw energies in this field and turn it into a tourist goods desired by visitors from all over Qatar.

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